Operation Community Refresh gives the chance for the home exterior service professionals at Van Tuinen painting to give back to our community. Each year, we take nominations from the community to see who most needs help with their home’s exterior. Then, we choose one lucky winner to receive our exterior home services the following year. We take pride in helping those in our community who need assistance most. Past winners have included veterans, the elderly, and others who needed a bit of help beautifying their home. We are grateful that the community trusts in us to help where it’s needed most, and each year we look forward to our next Operation Community Refresh project. Fill out our contact form or give us a call today to learn more details or to learn how to send in your nomination!

Operation Community Refresh 2023 Winner!
Meet Last Year’s Winner, Charles

Here is an excerpt from Charles’ nomination:
“Charles is a 73-year-old disabled veteran with a traumatic brain injury who recently lost a son to suicide. He is unable to maintain his home due to his injury and financial status. His home is in DIRE need of professional help. Charles is a one-of-a-kind human and loved by all who know him. There is so much more to his story. I strongly believe this would be the most meaningful and important work you could do for an individual in this circumstance.”
Van Tuinen Painting was proud to help Charles and his home. We worked on his bungalow, built in 1908, over the course of a few weeks. And, we heard some great stories from Charles along the way. As home exterior service professionals, we’re happy to have helped another member of our community in need.

Meet the Previous Winner, Melinda