Exterior home painting is a big job that requires a lot of time, effort, and skill. Exterior home painters in Kalamazoo not only provide a service to save you that time and effort, but they also have the expertise to handle parts of a paint where you do not have the knowledge to know how to proceed. If you’re not experienced in painting, hiring a professional to do the job for you is always the best path forward. And, that is why customers in Kalamazoo trust Van Tuinen Painting for any of their exterior painting needs.
Our exterior home painters in Kalamazoo provide:
- Experience and capabilities necessary to do the job right. We know how to prepare the surface, choose the right paint, and apply it evenly every time.
- We have the right equipment and tools. Whether the job needs ladders, scaffolding, or any other equipment, we’ve got it. Proper equipment means safer painting and a much easier application of paint.
- We have insurance and licensing. We are fully insured, as required by the State of Michigan, with Workers Compensation and Liability Insurance. And, because we maintain licensing with the State of Michigan, you know you’re hiring trustworthy painters each time you give us a call.
- We do the job quickly and efficiently. With professional painters like the team at Van Tuinen Painting, the job is done within your schedule and quickly so that you get to enjoy your home’s new look within record time.
- We provide cleanup and aftercare. Rather than worry about disposing of excess paint or waste that accumulates during the job, we do it for you! This keeps your home looking immaculate once we finish the job.
If you’re thinking about painting the exterior of your home, it’s worth the investment to hire a professional. We work with our customers to ensure the job goes smoothly, leaving you with a beautiful, long-lasting finish.
Other reasons customers love working with us include:
- Free, accurate commercial and residential estimates for every customer
- A long track record of success with the testimonials and reviews to back it up
- We develop an ongoing relationship with our customers. We are exterior home painters in Kalamazoo, but we also provide interior painting, interior and exterior staining, varnishing services, and much more whenever customers need them.
Whether you lack the confidence for making your home’s exterior paint a DIY project or you simply don’t have the time, Van Tuinen Painting is here to help. Simply reach out for your free estimate and our team will get in touch soon!