Colorful beach resort buildings in a row with a blue sky behind.

Can You Paint Aluminum Siding?

With warmer weather encouraging outdoor projects, homeowners may wonder whether or not they can paint aluminum siding. Some homes from the 60s, 70s, and 80s were constructed with aluminum siding. As a popular material during that time, homes that we see on the market today often maintain much of their original architecture, including aluminum siding!…

Interior Painters Kalamazoo, MI | Painting a New Business | Van Tuinen Painting

3 Tips for Painting a New Business

Painting a new business helps to establish it as a professional, modern space. And, by working with painting professionals, you guarantee a perfect job. Van Tuinen Painting prides itself on providing some of the best available painting services for businesses. From small shops to large, corporate buildings, our team does it all. If your business…